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The Future of International Trade

RHB Group, a company established in Istanbul in 2021, operates in the artificial turf, astroturf applications and turf construction materials sectors. The founders of the company were formed by an experienced team that has been in the sector for many years. RHB Group focuses its activities on the Middle East and North Africa countries and exports.

The company's vision is to play a leading role in technological developments and quality standards in the artificial turf market. RHB Group prioritizes customer satisfaction and always aims to improve itself in customer orientation. At the same time, it has an approach that aims to protect nature and the environment, and has adopted a renewable energy approach.

RHB Group prioritizes service and quality in accordance with the requirements of the age. Therefore, it always works to improve the quality of its products and customer service. RHB Group aims to provide its customers with reliable, high quality and contemporary solutions and always works towards this goal.

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    May, 2012
10 +
420 +
delivered order
114 +
Happy customer

Contact us for more information.
